22 October 2024


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Diskors f'Jum il-Gradwazzjoni tal-Iskola Sekondarja tas-Subien, Kulleġġ ta' Għawdex - 8 ta' Ġunju 2017 World Water Development Report - European Parliament, Brussels. Opening Remarks by Ambassador Joe Vella Gauci - 6 June 2017 Closing Ceremony Speech of the Art Camp Malta 2nd Edition 2017 - 19 May 2017 Diskors fl-okkażjoni ta' Jum ir-Repubblika - 11 ta' Diċembru 2016 Diskors waqt Seminar dwar il-Karnival f'Għawdex organizzat mill-Federation European Carnival Cities (FECC) - 28 ta' Mejju 2016 Diskors fl-okkażjoni ta' Open Day u l-Inawgurazzjoni tal-proġett Birds on a Wire fil-Kulleġġ ta' Għawdex, Skola Sekondarja - 13 ta' Mejju 2016 Diskors waqt il-Forum Nazzjonali tal-Wirt Kulturali f'Forti Sant'Anġlu, Birgu - 19 ta' Frar 2016 Speech on the occasion of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run's visit to Gozo -13th January 2016 Diskors fl-okkażjoni ta' Jum ir-Repubblika - 12 ta' Diċembru 2015 Speech on the occasion of the closing ceremony of Art Camp Malta 2015, 3rd November 2015



International Perspectives on Religious Freedom

Proceedings of Conferences on Religious Freedom


Editor:  Joe Vella Gauci

Published by:  EPP Group & COMECE

Brussels, 14th August 2013



New Publication - International Perspectives on Religious Freedom

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